Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day's End

I just heard the washer click off and it is 11p.m. Am I always doing wash at the last minute before I leave town. What a way to start my Blog. It has been a lovely day, a lovely hot day with no rain. My little impatients are so droopy and even the tropical milkweed plants are looking very thirsty. Tomorrow before I leave I'll give them a good drink and hope the sky opens up while I am gone.
We are off on vacation without out our dear grandchildren. No camping on the way or little brown bags to hand out after lunch to keep arguments short and interests occupied on fun things. Just get on a plane this year and fly OVER the beautiful earth, not through it. We'll miss our favorite campgrounds. The grandaughters know the routine. They know the water at the campground pools are Freezing and please, please can we go swimming?! Of course, and we do and we FREEZE and it is sooo nice.
No one will get the 'first' piece of bubble gum either. Whoever saw the mountains FIRST would get a piece of bubble gum. It was always Dubble Bubble bubble gum. You know, the ones with the funnies. It is hard to find sometimes and I have to really search. This year I happened to find a box of it so, as a sweet reminder, I will mail each of the grandaughters a piece of gum with a note that they were first this year. Yes, I will do that. I'll do it right now, before I head for the washer.
Night Night, sleep tight.