Sunday, November 1, 2009

Waiting for cool weather.

Beautiful morning. The clock has been changed on the mantle, but my inner clock has not been changed. Not good as I tend to wake up early anyway. We are waiting for a slight cool front to breeze itself in. Today we will see some change and by tomorrow, we will feel the dryer air. Love the cooler weather. I need to get out and get my herbs in the ground. I have butternut squash on the vines, very small. It was a volunteer vine and looks so good. We'll see. There is a lot of outside work to do. Church is on the menu this a.m. We are getting into a busy season in the church year. I am planning my lights for the outside. Since I have that lovely slash pine tree that fell into the yard, I have decided to put lights on it. It is still alive. The tree isn't on our property. It is in the woods, but fell and is laying at a 45 degree angle upwards. We put in some 4x4's and propped it up. That was about 2 months ago and it still is alive. I decided that some lights on it would be very nice. Maybe even icicle lights. What fun!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beginning a New Day

It is a lovely cool a.m. The house thermometer says 73 inside. I closed up the house tight to keep it warm last night. I'll open it up soon to let all the nice fresh air in.
Today is an 'at home' day. I have a little job since I wrote last. I take care of older people. I have two clients and they both are in different stages of Alzheimer's. I don't work very many hours, so I still have lots of time at home. I have a lot to do too. Mainly the yard is calling me. I need to get some plants in the ground this month. I still have to clear out some weeds and add some more good compost material. I will work on that some today.
It is wonderful to finally get some lovely weather. When it is cooler I feel like cooking a lot more and trying new recipes. Last night I made Salmon cakes with dill sauce. I used the dried dill from my garden. Today I will make 'potage parmentier' from Julia Childs' recipe. It is potato and leek soup. It has heavy cream and butter in it and sounds soooo good. After I saw the movie about her, I have felt compelled to cook some of her recipes. I went to two used book stores to see if I could find any of her books. So far, no luck. I found this recipe in the AARP magazine. O.K. I'm old enough that they are sending it to me:( I have everything I need to make it. If there is a lot and there will be extra, I'll share with a neighbor.
Well, I will get an early start on my day. I'll try and post a little more often. No one reads these so far, but I enjoy doing it periodically. Goodbye little Blog.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day's Beginning

Lovely day today as usual. Yes, I know that it is very warm, but----it's Florida.
We have been home a week. My sweetie and I enjoyed days on end of cool weather with two blanket nights at the cottage. I soaked up every cool degree that I could knowing that the heat would be there when I arrived back home.
There are two bumps in the extra beds in the house. I drove to the half-way place last Friday and snatched our two grandaughters from our daughter. They are sleeping away this a.m., and I expect one of them will be up very soon. It is nice to have them here. One is almost 16 and the other grandaughter is 11. Both are funny and kind.
Today we will be working on our presents for our almost 1 year old grandson. The girls each have a project to work on. Maddie, oldest, is making a sock money, and Gabbie, is painting his name on small canvas blocks (3"x3"). Each block of canvas will have a letter on it. His Mother can put them on a dresser or hang them on the wall. I'm working on a cloth storybook. I also need to finish the crib blanket I started long ago. It is a counted cross-stitch project and has taken a few hundred hours at least. I'm almost done and want to embroider his name on it, wash it, and wrap it up. I'll start another one next month for my son and his wife's proposed 2nd child. The blankets take me a very long time and I would like to get a head start on this one.
We are so blessed. I hope your day is a good one.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day's End

I just heard the washer click off and it is 11p.m. Am I always doing wash at the last minute before I leave town. What a way to start my Blog. It has been a lovely day, a lovely hot day with no rain. My little impatients are so droopy and even the tropical milkweed plants are looking very thirsty. Tomorrow before I leave I'll give them a good drink and hope the sky opens up while I am gone.
We are off on vacation without out our dear grandchildren. No camping on the way or little brown bags to hand out after lunch to keep arguments short and interests occupied on fun things. Just get on a plane this year and fly OVER the beautiful earth, not through it. We'll miss our favorite campgrounds. The grandaughters know the routine. They know the water at the campground pools are Freezing and please, please can we go swimming?! Of course, and we do and we FREEZE and it is sooo nice.
No one will get the 'first' piece of bubble gum either. Whoever saw the mountains FIRST would get a piece of bubble gum. It was always Dubble Bubble bubble gum. You know, the ones with the funnies. It is hard to find sometimes and I have to really search. This year I happened to find a box of it so, as a sweet reminder, I will mail each of the grandaughters a piece of gum with a note that they were first this year. Yes, I will do that. I'll do it right now, before I head for the washer.
Night Night, sleep tight.