Sunday, November 1, 2009

Waiting for cool weather.

Beautiful morning. The clock has been changed on the mantle, but my inner clock has not been changed. Not good as I tend to wake up early anyway. We are waiting for a slight cool front to breeze itself in. Today we will see some change and by tomorrow, we will feel the dryer air. Love the cooler weather. I need to get out and get my herbs in the ground. I have butternut squash on the vines, very small. It was a volunteer vine and looks so good. We'll see. There is a lot of outside work to do. Church is on the menu this a.m. We are getting into a busy season in the church year. I am planning my lights for the outside. Since I have that lovely slash pine tree that fell into the yard, I have decided to put lights on it. It is still alive. The tree isn't on our property. It is in the woods, but fell and is laying at a 45 degree angle upwards. We put in some 4x4's and propped it up. That was about 2 months ago and it still is alive. I decided that some lights on it would be very nice. Maybe even icicle lights. What fun!